Yellow Pond Lily (Nuphar advena)

[ult_animation_block animation=”slideInLeft” animation_duration=”3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_iteration_count=”1″] A perennial plant with leaves that arise form a large spongy rhizome. The leaves have a slit that makes them roughly heart-shaped and can float on the surface or stand on the surface on thick round stalks. Flowers are spiracle with green sepals and yellow petals. Flowers can float on…

White Water Lily (Nymphaea Odorata)

[ult_animation_block animation=”slideInLeft” animation_duration=”3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_iteration_count=”1″] The leaves are round, smooth, green, leathery and have a slit on one side. The underside is often red or purplish with numerous veins. The leaf stalk is attached to the leaf center at the base of the slit. The flowers are large and fragrant. They can be white, pink,…

Watermeal (Wolffia spp.)

[ult_animation_block animation=”slideInLeft” animation_duration=”3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_iteration_count=”1″] This is a very tiny, free floating, rootless plant. It is light green in color. It can be mistaken for algae or duckweed. Usually it grows in quiet waters with no wave activity. Concern: Dense colonies can completely cover the surface and will cause dissolved oxygen depletions and fish kill.…

Water Shield (Brasenia schreberi)

[ult_animation_block animation=”slideInLeft” animation_duration=”3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_iteration_count=”1″] Oval leaves that float on the surface. The leaves are green on top and the underside is reddish-purple. Stems attach at the center of the leaves. There is a distinctive gelatinous slime on the underside of the leaves and coating the stem. Concern: Can form large colonies that interfere with…

Common Duckweed (Lemna minor L.)

[ult_animation_block animation=”slideInLeft” animation_duration=”3″ animation_delay=”0″ animation_iteration_count=”1″] A very small light green free-floating, seed bearing plant. The leaf like body is called a thallus. There is 1-3 leaves or fronds that are 1/16 to 1/8 inch in length. They tend to grow in dense colonies in quiet water. Concern: If colonies cover the surface of the water,…