Case StudyThe Bay City Yacht Club Maintenance Dredging Project - Case Study - Savin Lake Services

Savin Lake Services Case Study 24.09-Charlie – The Clare Dredging Project

Once upon a time, The city of Clare had a beautiful lake right within the city limits. Over the last 3 decades, silt and sand entering Lake Shamrock from the Tobacco River accumulated so much debris, that new islands actually started forming! Savin Lake Services goals, restore Shamrock to its original splendor, so everyone can once again enjoy Kayaking, Canoeing, Fishing and even a new beach! Meet Little Blue and Red Rover, these two dredges have the ability to move nearly 80 metric tons of sand and silt every hour out of the lake and into a massive retention pond over a mile away; no small task! This custom built retention pond filters the water and returns it right back to the tobacco river.

Call Savin Lake Services to solve your lake dredging problems today.

Savin Lake Services…. It’s a Michigan thing! Whoa… wait… that’s the Cops and Doughnuts line! Keep watching for a special surprise!

Contact Savin Lake Services to solve your Lake dredging problems today at 1-877-SAV-LAKE.

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